At the moment we have not dates planned for this course, keep an eye on our social media and subscribe to our mailing list to keep up to date!
Thank you for subscribing to the CRAMsurg critical appraisal course - you can find a copy of the programme here. A core part of this course is practicing your critical appraisal skills - you have been assigned a paper to present. Your presentation should be 5 minutes long and will be followed by a series of simple questions/comments. The course schedule is quite busy so keeping your presentation to five minutes is vital. The exercise is purely for your learning and for your peers learning. Personalised feedback will be provided following the course via email. You can listen to an example presentation here - the paper presented can be accessed here if you are interested. You also have access to our e learning platform which contains a glossary of critical appraisal terms, a written guide on how to prepare for critically appraising your assigned paper, an online pdf annotation system where you can make notes on the papers we will be discussing (for yourself or shared) and a set of videos/useful links.
A few things to remember in preparation for the course:
- In order to access precourse MCQs, post course MCQs and feedback please create an account on our elearning platform here and enroll yourself in the CRAMsurg critical appraisal course (NOT the presenter course) - completion of precourse MCQs, postcourse MCQs and feedback is essential in order for the certificate to be released. You will be asked for a key (password) to access the course, which has been emailed to you in advance.
- On day 1 of the course there is a dedicated 1 hour slot to resolve any IT related issues and ensure that everyone can do the precourse MCQs. Precourse MCQs will open at 08.00 of day 1. It takes some time to go through them, so please be online (and caffeinated!) at 08.00.
- Please prepare your paper presentation based on the instructions/audio example above. Papers presentations are an essential part of the course and the papers have been carefully selected to cover core methodology concepts.
- If you encounter any problems or have any questions, feel free to send us an email -